Why am I running?

After years of volunteering in Clear Creek ISD, I have decided that I am ready for the most demanding volunteer job possible – Board Trustee.

I am passionate about Public Education and Clear Creek ISD. Both have served my family well over the years. My wife has worked for CCISD for over 20 years and both of my children have benefited from a CCISD education. I want to give back to the district that has given so much to me and my family.

Public Education is the greatest gift we can give to the children of Texas. Public Education is the great social escalator and with the socioeconomic changes in our region, the need for quality education is greater than ever.

The health of a community can be measured by the quality of its schools. A strong school district is vital to the economy by creating the next generation of productive citizens for the workforce. Our school district is a vital driver of economic development for our community.


Years of District Volunteer Experience


CCISD Citizen of the Year


Legislative trips to advocate for Public Education

My Priorities

Make CCISD schools the place to be
We need to make CCISD the place to be for all stakeholders.


We need to engage students in meaningful ways to make them want to come to school and learn.


We need to make sure that our schools are providing the value and education that parents expect so that they want to send their kids to school.

Teachers & Staff

We should ensure that the best teachers and staff want to be in CCISD as a destination district.

Tax Payers

We need to ensure the taxpayers see the value in our schools.

Business Community

We need to align with the business community to ensure the next generation of the workforce will be ready for tomorrow’s jobs.


We need to actively engage with legislators to make sure that we continue to have local control to be able to do what is best for our stakeholders.