Here are several of my top priorities and goals:
Make CCISD schools the place to be
We need to make CCISD the place to be for all stakeholders.
1. We need to engage students in meaningful ways to make them want to come to school and learn.
Students need to feel safe and protected in order to learn so school safety is a top priority. Once the students feel safe, they need to be engaged with their lessons. Finding exciting and innovative ways to engage students leads to better outcomes. There are several programs throughout the district that truly engage students at all levels. The discussion needs to center around how do we scale those programs.
2. We need to make sure that our schools are providing the value and education that parents expect so that they want to send their kids to school.
Parents need to be involved in their child’s education. Parental involvement leads to better outcomes for students. We have to create an environment that fosters collaboration between parents and the schools. Attending school has to be of the utmost importance to the parents.
3. We should ensure that the best teachers and staff want to be in CCISD as a destination district.
With the state’s teacher shortage reaching crisis level, it is more important than ever that Clear Creek ISD remains a destination district for teachers and staff. We need to be able to attract and retain top tier talent. You can’t have the best schools without the best teachers and staff.
4. We need to ensure the taxpayers see the value in our schools.
Public schools provide a great service to the community. We need to make sure that tax payers are made well aware of the value the district is providing to our community. An educated community has better outcomes in measurables such as income, wellness and quality of life.
5. We need to align with the business community to ensure the next generation of the workforce will be ready for tomorrow’s jobs.
The district needs to continue to engage with the business community and build partnerships so that the district can benefit from the expertise from the area business and the local industries can benefit from a well developed workforce. Several such partnerships exist currently that get students job ready upon graduation.
6. We need to actively engage with legislators to make sure that we continue to have local control to be able to do what is best for our stakeholders.
Local control is a key tenant of the formation of Independent School Districts. We need to ensure that our district is able to serve the students in a way that is best for community. We need to engage with our area legislators to make sure that our specific needs are addressed.
Listen to all stakeholders and engage in meaningful discussion
Independent School Districts are the shining example of local control. An important part of local control is listening to all stakeholders and having meaningful, productive conversations. It is time to take politics out of the process and find meaningful, collaborative solutions to the issues facing our schools and district.